Production blog

 Welcome back guys! So far in my commercial, I've been trying to get everything (my pictures and videos) all put together. It's difficult since i need to be very precise with what I'm choosing to represent me. I've been changing and moving some images around so that It's all evened out. Meaning there aren't just a clump of videos and a clump of images. It will be all spread out so it looks good. I've also been reviewing the footage to make sure the audio is appropriate and not something that should be showed. As well as what is being shown in the footage. My music choices have gotten better and are more appropriate as well. I need to focus on making sure everything represents me the way I want it to though. I don't want to have a picture that has nothing to do with me in a commercial that is supposed to be about me. Or footage of someone else doing something completely unrelated to me. I haven't been able to give this project my 100% attention though. This is because of that fact that I have some other stuff going on like homework, after school sports, and just wanting to be able to relax and have some me time. In order for me to make time. I have to space everything out on a timeline. I need to plan when everything will be. Like mornings will be for school, afternoons will be for my activities, and after all that will be my work. I have been doing my best so far, so I will see how this turns out. Thank you for reading and I will see you next time bloggers!


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