Production blog
Welcome back bloggers! My commercial is almost done and ready to be shown! I've been working on it for days at a time now, and I've made huge progress. I'm just about done with putting all the clips together. So all I have to do now is edit the transitions and just add the music to it. I'm exited to see how it turns out when it's all done. Will all honest, I feel like making this commercial about me has given me a sense of who I am as a person. As well of an idea of how other people will see me from another perspective that is not from myself. I do believe that it has also given me the necessary skills in the future to edit my videos and find ways to overlap music over images or videos. Many different skills have been learned from making this commercial. I got a bunch of clips of me playing volleyball, and many pictures of the sunsets and beaches. The things I love the most all in one video. I'm glad that I've also kept up with finishing all my parts on time and not ever falling behind. I usually do in some classes since I have so much going, but this time I didn't and I feel like I did well. Ways that I've made time to finish this is by taking time out of some classes to do just a little part of it per class. As well and taking time after practice or volleyball games to do a little bit more. So basically I've just done it little by little per day and it's paid off well. That works better than doing it all in one night like some other people do. That will make them fall behind with everything, and there's a good chance they won't finish. I think I did a good job and you hope guys will like it as soon as I am finished. I'll see you next time bloggers!
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