My group!- Final Task

 Welcome back bloggers! I picked my group for my final task today and decided to just go with a duo. For my group I picked one of my friends in my class named Anton. I picked him since we know each other well and we get along with each other. He is easy to work with and we get work done fast. I chose to only have one other person in the group so that it's easier to get work done. We don't have to wait on other people to do their part. Or have to wait for them to turn something in or bring a prop. It just makes the whole process go along much faster and smoother.  I chose him since the last project (the music video) that we did together went really well and we got our work done fast. And now that I'm 17 and I have my license i can get to places faster and easier. Last time I had to rely on him to go places and do the project and now I don't. I am also really exited to do this final task with him since we are both pretty creative. By that I mean that we can come up with some pretty good ideas. Like a horror or suspense movie. We already came up with some good ideas of what to do and I'm very excited to put it into film. Also since we already worked together we know how to work with each other and we know our strong suits and weak points. Like he is good at editing and I'm good at filming. Anyways, I'm really excited to get to work on this project. I'll see you next time bloggers!


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