The Pitch- Final Task

 Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog and today the discussion is about the pitches for the Final Task. 

Pitch A: Someone s watching the news about a local murder, and they hear the floorboard creaking in an empty house. 

Pitch B: An emergency broadcast announcement interrupts a TV program warning of a local threat of paranormal activity, and noises keep whispering from the shadows.  

About Pitch A: This pitch has a good solid base for making a story. The horror genre it falls into is such a flexible genre to work with as you can make almost anything scary. However it feels generic and very common. And due to the fact that news mentions there is a murderer, the versatility of what can be the antagonist is very set in stone. There is less creativity possible when everything is already set in place as definite things which are going to occur.    

About Pitch B: This pitch is very similar to pitch A but without the creative limitations. Because the antagonist is not specifically named it can be almost anything. This surprise factor will do a better job of keeping the audience on the edge of their seat if they are not sure of what is going to scare them. Which is something pitch A can't do as it directly states what is going to scare them. I also think the usage of a emergency broadcast announcement instead of a news report is much scarier and fitting for the genre.  

I have made the decision that the pitch of choice is going to be Pitch B. 

Ultimately my reasoning is because Pitch B allows my group for more creative liberties and versatility. Along with the fact that I believe it opens the door for a more accurate portrayal of a horror genre film than what Pitch A can provide.   


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