Script- FT

Establishing Scene, in the backyard, night 

The open shot starts with a wide shot of the house from the front, quickly cutting to the backyard. 

A masked figure runs through the frame, quickly hiding. A POV shot then follows as the figure walks up to the window.  


2nd scene, living room, night 

Sara is sat at the couch watching the TV in the dark. Beside her is her brother Alfred not as intently watching TV and is fidgeting. 


Gosh Sara. I can't sit still, I've been inside all day and feel like crap. 


Sara looks at here brother judgingly 


Well do something about it. Don't whine about it to me.  


Alfred rolls his eyes and stands up 


Alright I'm gonna go stretch my legs. I'll see ya later Sara. 


Alfred walks towards the front door and we hear it open and close. Sara returns to watching her program. A loud bang is heard from the outside of the house. Sara quickly looks over in surprise. 



There is no response. Sara refocuses herself back to the TV as her program is cut and interrupted by an EAS response. 


PLEASE STAND BY. PLEASE STAND BY. Immediate broadcast requested. CIVIL DANGER WARNING. ESCAPED KILLER WARNING for city or area of FORT LAUDERDALE; at 8:00 pm. The Fort Lauderdale Police Department has reported an escaped killer. STAY INSIDE.  

The TV program returns to normal and Sara very shakily fumbles to turn the TV off. She sits in silence for a moment. Another noise is heard this time like a squeaking door. 


Alfred knock it off! It's not funny.. 

No response. Sara stands up and hesitantly walks into the kitchen. 

3rd scene, kitchen, night 

  Sara walks into the kitchen, checking cupboards and walking towards the sliding glass door. She puts her face to the door and looks outside. The killer is hidden just out of her view. She turns around and the front door is open. She stares for a moment and walks over. 


*mumbling* Did he not close the door?.. 

Sara turns around and finds herself staring at a dark room, studying it like she sees someone there. Suddenly someone comes sprinting out of the room and lunges at her. She screams and camera cuts to black.  

Final intro scene, driveway, night 

Killer walks out of the house, takes off his mask 



Wipes his face off and walks into the distance 


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