Title Design- FT

 The films opening credits will appear in a Emergency Alert System/digital style font that visually looks like it is glitching in and out throughout the top left and right of the screen. 

However, every once and a while the credits will be shown embedded in the setting of the film. Examples of this will be credits appearing inside Tupperware and opened drawers as well as on shelves within the home of the characters. 

  • The closest font name to what look is trying to be achieved is VCR OSD Mono 

  • The title selected as of now is "Stand By" and will be presented in all Caps as well as bolded to stick out for the audience 

  • The titles are going to be "typed" on-screen and then proceed to flicker/ glitch in and out of the screen until finally glitching away for good. 

  • These titles will only be present for 3-4 seconds before glitching away 

  • The titles are going to be white with a black background box and vice versa depending on the background colors of the screen 

  • Titles of each person will be bolded and a font size up than the name, as well as diagonal from the name, looking something like this.  

  • Directed By 

  • Anton 


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