Production blog- Editing

Welcome back bloggers! We started editing the filming that we did recently. We got all the scenes that we shot before and gathered them up in order and we picked out the best shots that we had. It was mainly my partner that edits since he is the one with the software, but I helped to put them in order and edit out which parts of the scenes we needed. I had to do this because we didn't stop filming in between since that would just be too much for us to look through to find the right shot. So we just kept it rolling so we could just look through a few videos. The problem with the editing is that it takes up so much storage on his computer that it keeps crashing. So we are constantly at risk of losing what we have done. Besides that though, all is going well, and the editing is going good. We are trying to put everything together with the music but we are still looking for some sound effects to go in the background. We need something that can give off horror and suspense. So we might just go on some soundtracks that can be used publicly and use that. Or make our own. The editing is going smoothly and the only issue we've encountered is that software crashing. We have already lost our work once and had to restart. Which is not fun. We are almost done and the film should be completed soon. Hope you have enjoyed today's blog! We hope to see you next time! Bye bloggers!


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