Production blog- Music choice!

 Welcome back bloggers! So far we have chosen the setting and where we are choosing to film. Now we are figuring out the music that we want to be playing in the background of the film. It's a difficult choice since a lot of the music that we know of is copyrighted. Which means that if we use it, it can get flagged down and the whole film won't be able to be used. Which will cause a giant delay in the finishing of the film. We had an idea of having one of our friends that really into music write it for us. But we are afraid that it won't turn out the way we need it to. Although it's an idea, a simpler way might just we going on a website with "free to use" music and audio. Not that we necessarily need music, but any kind of audio that can be played in the background that can help with special effect and dramatization. Some sound effects are going to need to be made too. Like for a floorboard creaking we might have to dramatize the noise and do it ourselves by having a close up sound on something that makes a similar noise. The whole process will be fun because we get to mess around with the sounds and find something similar to the real thing. Regardless though, besides sound effects and all of that. We need to find a way to make our voices enhanced on film. If we need microphones or something so the camera will pick it up. Or maybe we don't and we can just film it the way it is and hope that the camera picks it up. Or maybe we could just do a voice over it it isn't that loud. Anyways bloggers, I'm so exited to have you on this journey. See you next time!


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